A downloadable game


Find Fuel! HD is a remake of a Scratch game that is being remade to have: A better Arcade mode with enemies, multiplayer mode that can be played locally, challenge mode, improved UI, and cleaner graphics. There also is other new content being added to the endless fun retro-like, blast-to-the-past game.


The full Find Fuel! HD game offers:


Play couch co-op with up to 4 friends with a keyboard and controllers. enjoy all the single-player challenge maps and arcade mode with friends for endless chaos and pure fun.

Arcade mode: (Part of this mode is in the demo)

How long can you survive for? How many points can you obtain before monsters, asteroids or even UFOs come to destroy you?

Challenge maps:

Whether it's completing various space-oriented missions, or working together to defeat a boss or even seeing who can survive the longest with all space has to offer, challenge maps are a great way to sink hours of time by yourself or with a friend or two.


Development log

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